Sue SmithKatherine Bartletth – 1 HOOF
Bartlett Equine Services
Pennsylvania USA

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Katherine (Katie) has been involved with horses since she was a child, even though her parents were not horse people and were mystified by her fascination with them. She spent her teenage years working at a series of dressage and eventing barns where she learned about many aspects of horsemanship. She continued to ride while attending Cornell University where she majored in biology and met her husband.
After moving to her farm in Pennsylvania, Katie acquired several horses who had either physical or behavioral issues. She wanted to help them and started learning more about behavioral science, bodywork, and hoof trimming. The more she learned, the more she realized how important it was to look at any “training problem” from a number of different angles in order to get to resolve it.
When Wendy introduced the precursor to the SURE FOOT pads at a clinic where Katie was riding, she was intrigued and started using them on her own horses. Her main riding horse was very crooked and the pads helped her become more balanced and symmetrical. Since then, she has used them with her own horses and with client horses during Masterson Method sessions.
Katie is a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner. She also teaches and coaches people who want to use positive reinforcement training with their horses. She trains her own horses for dressage and light trail riding.