Cornelia KleinCornelia Klein – 1 HOOF
Practice for Frequency Therapy
Praxis für Frequenz Therapie
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34260 Kaufungen, Germany
Tel: 01573 9191872

Cornelia has had an interest in veterinary medicine since she first owned horses and she has worked in various veterinary clinics. Learning frequency therapy in theory and practice from Wolfgang Marlie, she now shares her knowledge and skills to pet owners in the form of treatments and training tips. She says there is nothing more beautiful that being able to help animals get on the right track with their owner. SURE FOOT is an excellent addition to her therapies.
Ich bin Inhaberin der Praxis für Frequenz Therapie für Pferde und Kleintiere und habe 2017 bei der ersten Ausbildung zum SURE FOOT ® Practioniser in Deutschland bei Wendy Murdoch teilgenommen.
Die SURE FOOTS sind eine hervorragende Ergänzung zu meinen Therapien.