Fran CilellaFran Cilella – 1 HOOF
Location: Michigan, USA

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After retiring from a corporate career in 2011, Fran decided to follow her heart and start a new career working with horses. She became a certified equine massage therapist in 2012, and a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner in 2015, followed by becoming a coach, mentor and weekend seminar instructor for the MM program in subsequent years. Dedicated to growing her knowledge, she has taken many continuing education courses, including attending Ivana Ruddick’s whole horse dissection course, attending continuing education offered by the Masterson Method program, becoming certified in equine kinesiology taping, and became trained in saddle fit assessment. She has built a thriving bodywork business in West and Central Michigan and is excited to incorporate the benefits of Sure Foot Balance Pads into that business.

When not working on other people’s horses, she spends time with her own horse, Phantom, a 2005 Friesian. Together, they focus on dressage and dabble in mounted archery and extreme trail.