CH Irene MngerIrene Münger – 1 HOOF
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Phone: 0041 79 908 84 09
8493 Saland


Irene lives in the Highlands of Zürich with her 2 dogs and cats. Irene says it was her horse that led her to find her passion to help people and animals. Through functional movement integration, she helps her clients find a new ‘light’ body feeling. Pain and blockages are made conscious through fine touches and movements and permanently dissolved. SURE FOOT Pads are a great help. Irene also supports people with hypnosis in order to resolve old patterns and behaviors and to integrate new ones. Her motto is: Movement is Life.

Ich wohne im Zürcher Oberland mit 2 Hunden und 2 Katzen. Mein Pferd brachte mich dazu meine Passion zu finden und Menschen und Tieren zu einem neuen leichten Körpergefühl zu verhelfen. Schmerzen und Blockaden werden durch feine Berührungen und Bewegungen bewusst gemacht, nachhaltig aufgelöst. SURE FOOT® ist mir dabei eine grosse Hilfe. Menschen unterstütze ich mental zusätzlich mit Hypnose um alte störende Muster und Verhaltensweisen schnell aufzulösen und Neue zu integrieren. Mein Leitsatz: Bewegung ist Leben.


“Nothing else in the horse world helps a horse reprogram his movement so quickly. And, because SURE FOOT seems to work at a deep nervous system level, the horses maintain the progress.”

Dr. Joyce Harman, DVM

“Wendy Murdoch’s revolutionary SURE FOOT Program is a priceless gift to the horse world. I have seen remarkable results in mental, emotional, and physical balance of horses standing on these pads for only five minutes.”

Linda Tellington-Jones