Emma Jansen Bio tmbEmma Jansen - 1 HOOF
Trainer voor paard en ruiter
Tel./ WhatsApp: +31 681 490 151
The Netherlands

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Emma is a Centered Riding Instructor level I and Authorised 1 HOOF SURE FOOT - Equine Stability Pad Practitioner based in The Netherlands.  She is also is a rehabilitation trainer and instructor level 3 at Equicare-Plus and trains according to the principles of 4DimensionDressage. Emma is also a myofascia release bodyworker Emma specialising in getting a healthy, balanced and happy horse combined with a balanced and happy rider. .  She offers SURE FOOT private sessions in The Netherlands and uses the SURE FOOT pads through all the different areas of her work. 

Emma is Centered Riding Instructor level I en gecertificeerd 1 Hoof SURE FOOT - Equine Stability Pad Practitioner in Nederland. Tevens is zij revalidatietrainer en instructeur niveau 3 bij Equicare-Plus en traint zij volgens de principes van 4DimensionDressage. En ze is fascia release behandelaar. Emma is gespecialiseerd in het krijgen van een gezond en gelukkig paard met een correct bewegingspatroon, in combinatie met goed balanceerde en gelukkige ruiter. ​ Ze biedt SURE FOOT privésessies aan in Nederland en gebruikt de SURE FOOT-pads in alle verschillende gebieden van haar werk.

“Nothing else in the horse world helps a horse reprogram his movement so quickly. And, because SURE FOOT seems to work at a deep nervous system level, the horses maintain the progress.”

Dr. Joyce Harman, DVM

“Wendy Murdoch’s revolutionary SURE FOOT Program is a priceless gift to the horse world. I have seen remarkable results in mental, emotional, and physical balance of horses standing on these pads for only five minutes.”

Linda Tellington-Jones