Caroline Goussen

Caroline Goussen - 1 HOOF
Horsefitt Expertise
+33 7 68 544 644
localisation: Haut de france / Belgique francophone frontalière


Depuis 2014, Caroline exerce en tant que professionnelle du saddle fitting. Au fil de son expérience quotidienne, elle a constaté de nombreux problèmes posturaux et proprioceptifs chez les chevaux. Désireuse de les aider à retrouver conscience de leur propre corps et à libérer leur biomécanique naturelle, elle propose désormais un accompagnement axé sur le travail postural après le réglage du matériel. Son objectif est d'aider le cheval à exploiter pleinement sa biomécanique naturelle. Caroline considère les sure foot pads comme un outil essentiel pour améliorer le confort physique et émotionnel du cheval.

Since 2014, Caroline has been working as a saddle fitting professional. In her daily experience, she has noticed many postural and proprioceptive problems in horses. Eager to help them regain awareness of their own body and release their natural biomechanics, she now offers support focused on postural work after the equipment has been adjusted. Its goal is to help the horse fully exploit its natural biomechanics.
Caroline considers SURE FOOT Pads to be an essential tool to improve the horse's physical and emotional comfort.

“Nothing else in the horse world helps a horse reprogram his movement so quickly. And, because SURE FOOT seems to work at a deep nervous system level, the horses maintain the progress.”

Dr. Joyce Harman, DVM

“Wendy Murdoch’s revolutionary SURE FOOT Program is a priceless gift to the horse world. I have seen remarkable results in mental, emotional, and physical balance of horses standing on these pads for only five minutes.”

Linda Tellington-Jones